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Core Strength Bar

An ideal tool for primary weight training is the Core Bar - with a weight of 16lbs, and 4 feet in length, the Core Bar can be used for scores of strength and technique development exercises. Single joint exercises such as bicep curl, calf raises and shoulder press may be supplemented with hang clean, squat, lunge and push press.

The Core Bar is used to rehearse multi-joint exercises that require greater control and technique development

It's also great for 'tug of war' type drills (see opposite) whereby partners can push and pull each other via the bar

For example, the Power Clean is a complicated movement that has proven to be a great exercise for developing speed and strength for rugby. The dynamic use of the hip extensor muscles during the power clean is specific to demands of sprinting, jumping and tackling. By using the Core Bar to learn the correct technique and activating the appropriate muscles, you are building a skill that will transfer to a heavier resistance and help you successfully perform one of the most effective strength and power development exercise for rugby players.

You should consult a qualified weight lifting coach for progressions and technical support on multi-joint exercises such as the Power Clean

The Core Bar will also allow you to progress to partner based exercises that rely on core strength to perform successful functional movements.

The versatile Core Bar is great for introducing functional strength exercises that simulate the pushing and pulling activities of rugby

Exercise Selection

Exercise selection should reflect the principles of training and your current level of strength status. The following is a synopsis of considerations:

  • Include an equal number of pulling and pushing exercises in your programme
  • Incorporate bilateral (single arm or leg) and unilateral (both arms and legs) exercises
  • Finish each session with shoulder stability exercises
  • Start each session with core muscle recruitment drills
  • Technique is always your first priority
  • Warm-up with light cv exercise and speed agility drills
  • Gradually increase the level of resistance - more is not necessarily better
The Core Strength Bar is used to rehearse multi-joint exercises, foundation strength drills and Polates
Core Strength Bar
starting from £16.99