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  The world's leading rugby fitness book featuring over 140 drills, exercises & training programs  

Explosive Drill Heavy
The level of resistance for Explosive 3 drills is heavy and often close to maximum for maximal activation of muscle fibres.

Although the movement is slow due to the high resistance, the intention is to move the resistance as quickly as possible

This type of training is very relevant to scrummage and is appropriate to front five players. Similar to the scrum, the resistance is very high but must be overcome.

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Glutes, quadriceps, hamstrings and core stabilisers
85-100% of 1 RM
Sets & reps.
4 x 3 @ 90% 1RM
4 minutes

Load the bar with weights on the squat rack at a height of three to five inches lower than your shoulders. Step in beneath the bar and place it high up on your shoulders. Keep the bar on your trapezius, not high up on your neck! Keep your back neutral. Stand up and step back just enough to stay clear of the rack during the exercise.

When you have stepped back from the rack place your feet at shoulder width or a little wider. Your toes should point slightly outwards. Take a deep breath and scoop your trans abs. Descend by first moving the butt back and downward then follow by bending your knees. Stop just below parallel. If you are a beginner, stop at parallel and work your way down with lighter weights. Never sacrifice your form in exchange of going deep.

Let the hips remain under the bar at all times. Return to the start position in the same controlled manner as you descended. Pause at the top and take two breaths, then repeat until you've reached the required number of reps. Return the weight to the rack in a controlled manner. Take help from spotters if needed.

2-0.5-1-2 = 2 second descent, 0.5 second hold at end range(don't bounce), 1 second ascent (or as quickly as possible) 3 seconds at start position for your two breaths.
Breathe out gradually as you press and in on the release phase
Ensure you have control of the support bars at your side and at least one spotter next to the foot plate to assist during failure or if a problem arises
Key Points
Never lean forward or round your back and don't look down - maintain neutral alignment. Do not allow your knees to cave inwards.
Front squat
Other exercises
Bench press, leg press, seated row, dead lift, weighted pull up.
Please read our Disclaimer before performing these Sample Drills
The Squat - The King of Exercises
Variation on Back Squat is the Front Squat