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  The world's leading rugby fitness book featuring over 140 drills, exercises & training programs  

DiscOsit Drill 1
Disco Bridge
Glute activation and core control
Single or two DiscOsits

Place both feet on one DiscOsit or one foot on each. Activate trans abs and glutes, and push down into the DiscOsit to raise hips to a neutral position. Hold for 10 seconds and relax. On your second attempt perform 5 consecutive repetitions of 'hips up' and 'hips down', using your glutes as you push down into the DiscOsit.

Key Points
Breathe normally.
Increase number of repetitions. Place a DiscOsit under the middle of your back
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Disc'O'sit provides an unstable surface for core muscle recruitment and a whole new range of challenging exercises.