Injury Prevention
This is a challenging drill - at first you will not be able to lean very far but after several weeks you will see improvements Find out more...
Row yourself fit!
Rowing exercises and strengthens both upper and lower body with a motion that is smooth, rhythmic and impact-free. Click here for more inf ...
Core Stability Drills
The Swiss Ball is an unrivalled tool for recruiting and developing your core muscles (also known as a Fit Ball, exercise or gym ball).
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Fitness books

Choose from our collection of 20 rugby and fitness books - a great gift to kick start the 2006 fitness campaign! While it won't be useful when you require accounting homework help, there's plenty of other interesting information. Human Kinetics is the world's leading sports and fitness book publisher. If you're in writing, you're welcome to use is it together with the top essay writing services.
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100s of Fitness Drills
Visit the Fitfiles for 100s of drills covering all elements of rugby fitness for players and coaches Find out more...
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