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During our research we have found players who have lost up to 16lbs in bodyweight through fluid loss during games

Losing fluid during training and playing is the body's way of controlling temperature and should be treated as a positive outcome. However, failure to replace the fluid is a major problem as excessive losses of fluid reduce your endurance capacity, power, reaction time and concentration.

A fluid loss above 2% of your bodyweight is detrimental and should be prevented by following a fluid intake plan, that covers pre, during and post match drinking.

Thirst is not a good indicator of fluid needs - if you're thirsty then your probably too late!

Hyper-hydrating has proved to reduce the negative effects of fluid loss during games and training. This involves raising your body fluid level above the normal rate to counteract the inevitable fluid loss during the game or training.

You need to know the magnitude of your sweat loss to develop an effective fluid intake plan.

The most practical way to monitor sweat loss is to measure changes in body weight - that is, to weigh pre- and post-exercise. Each pound of weight loss equates to 1 pint of fluid (1kg = 1.5 litres), and this should be replaced as soon as possible.

Dividing the total sweat loss by the duration of exercise will provide an estimation for the rate of loss.

Once you have established your typical sweat loss, you do not need to weigh yourself every time. Practice your fluid game during the week, particularly for heavy training sessions, and get used to drinking during training. It is advisable to avoid caffeine and alcohol as they can increase fluid loss

Sports drinks are ideal post-match as they promote re-hydration and provide fuel

  Thirst is not a good indicator of fluid needs - if you're thirsty then your probably too late!  
Hyper-hydrating prior to a training session or a game will reduce the negative affects of fluid loss. Aim for 2-3 litres during the morning before a game and ensure that your weight is slightly heavier than normal.

Fluid Plan

Pre match Hyper-hydrate by drinking enough fluid, preferably water or very diluted apple juice, to raise your body weight above the normal range. Practice on training days. Weigh yourself prior to kick off.
During match Take on fluid, preferably a sports drink, at every opportunity. Aim for 1 pint during half time
Post match Weigh yourself following the game. Replace all of this weight loss before leaving the changing room with a combination of sports drinks, water and high glycaemic index snacks i.e. raisins, bananas, honey sandwich.