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  The world's leading rugby fitness book featuring over 140 drills, exercises & training programs  

DiscOsit Drill 3
Double disc squat
Closed chain core stability and proprioception
Two Disc'O'sits (slightly inflated)

Carefully place one foot on the centre of each Disc'O'sit. Bend your knees slightly and recruit your core muscles by squeezing your glutes and 'scooping' your trans abs. Slowly squat down to a manageable range and breathe out as you push back up.

Key Points
Focus on your 'glutes' as you push down into the Disc'O'sits.

Use an additional weight, such as a Core Strength Bar or inflate your Disc'O'sit further.

Please read our Disclaimer before performing these Sample Drills
Double disc squat
Disc'O'sit provides an unstable surface for core muscle recruitment and a whole new range of challenging exercises.